The Tractometer


Main Tractometer papers

When citing the general Tractometer system, please cite the following references:

** If your study using the Tractometer is based on the FiberCup data, please also see the Fibercup references page for additional references to cite.

** If your study using the Tractometer is based on the ISMRM 2015 challenge data , please also see the ISMRM challenge references page for additional references to cite.

Other tools

If you need help when visualizing your data / formatting your tractogram:

  • MI-Brain is a MRI and Tractogram visualization tool. Others exist.
  • Dipy is a Python library for Diffusion Weighted Imaging processing.
  • BrainVISA / Anatomist allows users to convert between most common medical image formats.
  • Scilpy offers many scripts to manipulate dMRI data and tractograms.