Please use the following references if you are using the Fibercup dataset in an analysis related to the Tractometer:
Poupon, C., Laribiere, L., Tournier, G., Bernard, J., Fournier, D., Fillard, P., Descoteaux, M., et al. (2010). A Diffusion Hardware Phantom Looking Like a Coronal Brain Slice. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Fillard, P., Descoteaux, M., Goh, A., Gouttard, S., Jeurissen, B., Malcolm, J., Ramirez-Manzanares, A., et al. (2011). Quantitative Evaluation of 10 Tractography Algorithms on a Realistic Diffusion MR Phantom. NeuroImage, 56(1), 234–220.
Poupon, C., Rieul, B., Kezele, I., Perrin, M., Poupon, F., & Mangin, J.-F. (2008). New Diffusion phantoms dedicated to the study and validation of HARDI models. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 60, 1276–1283.
For references concerning the Tractometer in general, see the main References tab.